Nurturing Growth: Stake Your WEED and TKP LP for an Abundance of Extra Green


Hey there, fellow tokers! Let's take a trip into the world of WEED and TOKPIE (TKP) liquidity pool joining. It's like entering a chill and funky realm of decentralized finance. By adding your stash of tokens to this groovy pool, you're not only boosting the trading vibes between WEED and TKP, but you're also earning a piece of the action through those sweet trading fees. So, sit back, relax, and let's get this party started as we blaze a trail towards liquidity and fun in the WEED and TKP world!

Benefits to Adding Liquidity to WEED and TKP

  • Earn 0.3% of all trades on the liquidity pair in proportion to your pool share, generating passive income while supporting liquidity and trading on Uniswap V2.

  • Fees are added to the pool in real time, continuously increasing your earnings, providing a steady stream of income over time.

  • When you decide to withdraw your liquidity, you can claim the accrued fees, allowing you to realize the full potential of your earnings.

  • By joining the liquidity pool, you actively contribute to the growth and stability of the POTHEADS community, as all fees and commissions from your token's market on the Tokpie exchange (CEX) go directly to your Liquidity pool.

  • Additionally, the community's pool receives a 0.1% liquidity bonus every hour, creating a positive feedback loop where increased liquidity leads to further growth for the community.

  • Moreover, by farming the LP, you gain exclusive access to WEED rewards on the POTHEADS Farm, unlocking additional opportunities to earn and participate in the vibrant POTHEADS ecosystem.

Step-by-Step Guide to Providing Liquidity on Uniswap V2

  1. Set up a Wallet: Start by setting up a compatible Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet and ensure that it is adequately funded with the tokens you intend to provide as liquidity.

  2. Navigate to Uniswap V2: Visit the Uniswap V2 website ( or any other reliable interface that supports Uniswap V2.

  3. Connect Your Wallet: Connect your Ethereum wallet to the interface by clicking on the wallet icon and selecting the appropriate option. Follow the on-screen instructions to establish the connection.

  4. Access the Liquidity Pool: On the Uniswap interface, click on the "Pool" tab and select "Add Liquidity."

  5. Choose the Token Pair: Select the two tokens you wish to provide liquidity for. Uniswap V2 supports a wide range of ERC-20 tokens, allowing for various trading pairs.

  6. Specify the Amounts: Enter the quantities of both tokens you intend to deposit into the liquidity pool. Uniswap automatically calculates the proportional amounts based on the current exchange rate.

  7. Review and Approve Transactions: Carefully review the details of your liquidity provision, including the fees involved. Approve the transaction through your wallet, paying attention to the gas fees required for Ethereum network processing.

  8. Confirm the Transaction: Once the transaction is approved, confirm it on your wallet and wait for the Ethereum network to process it. The liquidity provider tokens (LP tokens) will be minted and deposited into your wallet.

  9. Managing Your Liquidity: After providing liquidity, you can view your liquidity position and the fees earned on the Uniswap interface. You can also withdraw your liquidity by visiting the "Pool" tab and selecting the appropriate option.

Special considerations when providing liquidity to WEED with ETH

Impermanent Loss: Understand the concept of impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of tokens in the liquidity pool fluctuates. Research and evaluate the potential risks associated with providing liquidity.

Gas Fees: Take into account the prevailing gas fees on the Ethereum network, as they can impact the cost-effectiveness of providing liquidity. Consider periods of lower network congestion to optimize costs.

View your growth over time

Navigate to[walletaddress] and select your Liquidity Pair you received and you can track your fees gained over time by being apart of the WEED-ETH pool.

Last updated